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Keeping People Safe and Informed About the Coronavirus

May 4, 2020
By Kang-Xing Jin, Head of Health
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Facebook is supporting the global public health community’s work to keep people safe and informed during the coronavirus public health crisis. We’re also working to address the long-term impacts by supporting industries in need and making it easier for people to find and offer help in their communities. 

Here’s an overview of how we’re providing access to accurate information, supporting relief efforts and keeping people connected. We’ll continue to add to this post as we announce updates.

1. Ensuring everyone has access to accurate information and removing harmful content

Connecting people to credible information on Facebook, Messenger, Instagram and WhatsApp
Combating COVID-19 misinformation  across our apps
Investing $100 million in the news industry and supporting fact-checkers
Prohibiting exploitative tactics in ads and banning ads for medical face masks, hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes and COVID-19 test kits
2. Supporting health and economic relief efforts

Matching $20 million in donations to support COVID-19 relief efforts and donating $25 million to support healthcare workers on the front line
Investing $100 million in small businesses and making it easier for people to support their local businesses
Supporting global health organizations with free ads and more 
Empowering partners with data and tools
3. Keeping people connected

Making it easier for people to request or offer help in their communities
Helping local governments and emergency health organizations reach people on Facebook and Messenger, and collaborate using Workplace for free
Sharing well-being tips and resources and donating $2 million to support mental health crisis helplines
Keeping our apps stable and reliable
Latest News

Update on May 4, 2020 at 9:38AM PT:

Tomorrow on #GivingTuesdayNow  we’re expanding Community Help to make it easier for people to support local businesses and nonprofits. Starting tomorrow, people will be able to find gift cards and vouchers to support local businesses, donate to local nonprofit fundraisers, sign up to become a blood donor and find local job opportunities — all in Community Help.

Update on April 22, 2020 at 6:30AM PT:

Partnering with ITDRC and NetHope to Address the Digital Divide

The coronavirus pandemic has underscored the importance of internet connectivity. While many people have shifted their lives online, there are still more than 3.5 billion people, including more than 18 million Americans, who lack reliable internet access. To help, we’re partnering with the Information Technology Disaster Resource Center (ITDRC) and NetHope to provide internet connectivity to communities most impacted by COVID-19. The goal of these partnerships is to better understand the unique barriers these communities face in getting online and create the programs and infrastructure needed to increase the availability and affordability of high-quality internet access. 

We’re providing a $2 million grant to support ITDRC’s projectConnect  initiative which will help rural and underserved communities in the US gain access to the internet. We’re also sharing insights from Facebook Disease Prevention Maps to help ITDRC better understand options for internet coverage in specific regions and more quickly determine the type of support needed to address connectivity challenges.
We’re providing a $260,000 grant to support NetHope’s COVID-19 response. In addition, through sharing our Disease Prevention Maps, we’ll help NetHope identify the world’s most vulnerable and affected communities, including migrants and refugees, in order to provide them with protective health equipment and internet connectivity kits. 
Update on April 21, 2020 at 3:30PM PT:

Update on Content Review Work

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, we’ve worked to keep both our workforce and the people who use our platforms safe. 
