In today's word,I am moved to share with us the( importance of ur position.)
According to Act 1:12-26.i am touched so much on the replacement of Judas Iscariot,who failed and couldn't deliver the mandate and job given to him by his master Jesus Christ..
      He allowed the enemy use him to fulfil the Scripture and to crown it all he took his life by himself which is another offence through the situation and time might be tough but don't give up,don't kill urs self there is still grace and position meant to manifest you.
        Ur position in the house,in ur place of work,and anywhere you are is very important and  has a vital role to play in ur life and purpose actualisation.
  This has brought me to dwell and discuss strongly on position through they are numerous places to touch in this scripture bt am focusing on dix.the position we are talking about is ur PPA.meaning ......primary place of assignment no matter how small it might look like,pls do not over look that point I can say that wot brought about Judas to overlook his position is because he didn't value it and never expected good things to come out of there remember all the disciples did well and had the mandate of the father accomplished in their lives excepting Judas Iscariot to allow us gain weight in understanding this word,ur commitment and expedient to delivering ur job in that small place is required for the Bible made us to understand that we should not dispise the days of our little beginning by so doing ur glowing point is achieved.
        And one thing is important,to ask the  Lord that our position not be replaced by another because Judas was replaced by Mathias,and he is one to be reckoned with till today and not Judas Iscariot may your place not be taken by someone else in Jesus name Amen.


A daughter wore a skimpy skirt one morning and her father told her to go and take it off that it was too short. 👉

She walked to the room and reported her father to her mother 😳. 

 _“Mummy daddy said that I should take off this skirt”._🤷🏻‍♂

Her mother replied *“is this like a report or what? ☹️ Ella! that was an instruction and it needed an immediate action, so go and take it off immediately"* 

She quietly walked away and complied. 😞

1. Dad / Mum, please turn them back when they are reporting either of you to the other.

2. Let them know instructions from any parent are not reportable. 

3. As a parent, do not summon your partner to find out whether the report was true or not.

4. Do not tell your partner he/she was wrong before your child/children.

5. If you see no reason why such instructions were given, conclude it with your partner in secret and let same person correct it.

6. If you did not give him/ her a punishment, let the one who gave it do the release and if the person is not around and you can’t reach on phone (try and do the call before the child if possible) then release the child when appropriate and tell him/her that it is with the permission of your husband or wife. Both of you are same.

7. Let us do this together so we train and raise godly children properly.


©️ *wapday25*
