Written by wapday25 terms

*Something talks about you*.

.Shoe can talk
The shoes can talk Mr. James fruit tree was full of ripe, juicy fruit. Let s take some, victor said. it'll taste really good. isn't that stealing? Question steve. Don"t worry. Mr.james will never know, victor replied with a smile. Nobody saw them. But the next day, steve felt so bad that he decided to confess to mr.james, the shoe repairman. Apology. I'm glad you admitted it. I knew it was you. Is your friend Victor going to confess also? Steven mouth dropped open. How did you know it was us? Mr.james explained, I've been watching that fruit ripen all summer. I could tell some was stolen. I knew you did it, because of your shoe prints in the dirt. I just put new heels on your shoes recently,right? Steve and Victor were found out.?

Janet got a part time job in a big store . As she looked at a cash register she thought I'd like some of that money. One day she found a cash drawer unattended. She found, but she stole a dollar. The next day , feeling bolder, she took dollars. As the days went by she took more and more money from the cash drawer. She always made sure no one saw her. One day after she had taken some money the manager called her to his office and said Janet we are missing some money from one of the cash registers . Do you know anything about it? No Janet answered  calmly. Can i see the money in your pocket? Yes offered janet as she gave it to him but my mother gave this to me. The manager examined the dollars carefully. Then he said janet you are a lair and a thief. We marked the money in the  cash drawer , and this is that money. I am calling the policemen janet was found out. You man think you are getting away with lying stealing or other bad things but god sees everything you do repent and make Jesus Christ your lord and savior.
