SUBJECT IS: Waec2019 Marketing MARKETING

(1b)(i)Planning (ii)Directing (iii)Coordinating(iv)Analysing past sales figures/trends to anticipate future product needs.(v)Devising a merchandise plan using the above techniques.(vi)Relaying the merchandise plan to the buyer who, in turn, can decide on what products,styles, colours etc
(4a)An entrepreneur is an individual who, rather than working as an employee,founds and runs a small business, assuming all the risks and rewards of the venture.
(4bi)(i)Basic human psychology.(ii)Listening skills.(iii)Prospect filtering.(iv)Strategic positioning.
(4c)(i)Establishing a Daily Routi: Many successful entrepreneurs develop,grow and maintain their business in different ways.Even though they have different methods that contribute to their success,there is one thing that all entrepreneurs have in common: A daily routine.(ii)Exercising: Daily exercise is definitely something that you should include in your routine. Exercise is beneficial for both your physical and mental health,and taking time out of your day to run on a tread mill will boost your productivity.(iii)Eating a Healthy Diet Food: acts as fuel for your body. What you eat has a significant impact on how you feel throughout the day.It’s important that you maintain a healthy diet if you want to be alert and productive all day long.(iv)Hiring an Assistant:Most entrepreneurs are on avery tight budget when they get started, and hiring a staff is probably not a viable option. However, you should hire an assistant as soon as your company starts making a profit.(v)Finding a Mentor:Mentors are extremely beneficial for young entrepreneurs. Even though the world of entrepreneurship may be new to you, there are people who have already gone through what you are going through.1a) Entrepreneurship refers to the concept of developing and managing a business venture in order to gain profit by taking several risks in the corporate world.Simply put,entrepreneurship is the willingness to start a new business.
 3ai) product concept" is based upon the idea that customers prefer products that have the most quality, performance, and features, some customers prefer a product that is simpler and easier to use.
3aii) The Selling Concept proposes that customers, be individual or organizations will not buy enough of theorganization's product sunless they are persuaded to do so through selling effort. So organizations should undertake selling and promotion of their products for marketing success.
3aiii) Production Concept is a belief that states that the customers would alway sacquire products which are cheaper and more readily available (or widely available). The production concept advocates that more the products or production, more would be the sales.
3aiv) The societal marketing concept holds that theorganization's task is to determine the needs, wants,and interests of a target market and to deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the well being of both the individual consumer and society
2b1. Finding the Best Distribution Channels Distribution is about deciding how you'll get the goods or services you want to sell to the people who want to buy them. Having an idea for a product is great, but if you aren't able to get that product to the customers you aren't going to make money. Distribution can be as easy as setting up shop in the part of a city where your target customers are – but in an increasingly inter connected world, distribution more often than not now means that you'll need to take your products or services to the customers.
2. Financing an Enter priseIt takes money to make money. As a business owner, an important function of marketing a product is finding the money through investments, loans, or your personal capital to finance the creation and advertising of your goods or services.
3. Deep Market Research Market research is about gathering information concerning your target customers. Who are the people you want to sell to?Why should they buy from you as opposed to a rival business? Answering these questions requires that you do some on-the-ground observation of the market trends and competing products.
4. Setting Prices Setting the correct price for your product or service can be a challenge. If you priceit too high, you might lose customers – but if you priceit too low you might be robbing yourself of profits.The "right" price normally comes through trial and error and doing some market research.5. Product and Service management Once you've determined the target market and set the price of your product or service, the goal becomes to effectively manage the product or service. This involves listening to customers, responding to their wants and needs, and keeping your products and services fresh and up to date.========================
5a)problem recognition The acknowledgement and definition of an issue that does or may arise during the performance of a process.
5b)Information Search is a stage in the Consumer Decision Process during which a consumer searches for internal or external information.
