WAEC 2019 DataProcessing Obj And Essay Answer – correct answer. OBJ:1-10: DCBABDBBDB 11-20: CACCADCCBA 21-30: BBBBAADCAC 31-40: CCDABAADBB (5ai)CD-ROM  (5aii)CD-ROM technology  (5aiii)It switch on the CP aiv) Carefully store in a cool dryplace (5b)P - It display video andgraphical informationgenerated by the computergraphics adaptor, allowing theuse to interact with thecomputer Q - It carries out theinstructions of a computerprogram R - It is to position a cursor ona computer screen S - It is used to inputcharacters and functions intothe computer T - It converts digital signalsgenerated by the computer intoanalog signals which can betransmitted over a telephone orcable line and transformsincoming analog signals intotheir digital equivalent (5c)Click on your works pace whilestill holding down your mousebutton drag to draw yourshape and release button whendone (4ai)Entities: are usuallyrecognizable concepts, eitherconcrete or abstract, such asperson, places, things, orevents which have relevance tothe database (4aii)attribute: refers to a databasecomponent, such a table. Italso may refer to a databasefield. In other words Attributesdescribe the instances in therow of a database. (4aiii)relationships is a common typeof database whose data isstored in tables. (4b)cardinality refers to theuniqueness of data valuescontained in a column. In otherwords High cardinality meansthat the column contains alarge percentage of totallyunique values and Lowcardinality means that thecolumn contains a lot of “repeats” in its data range. (4bii)(i)one-to-one (1:1)(ii)one-to-many (1:M)(iii)many-to-many (M:N) (1a)Teleconferencing is the use oftelecommunication devices tohold discussions betweenparticipants in differentlocations. (1b)(i) For cash withdrawals(ii) For deposits(iii) For transfer of funds (1ci)Modem transmits digital dataover communication lines. Theconversion of the signals to/from analog to digital is themain purpose of a modem. (1cii)(i) Electronic Mails(ii) Telephone
