Waec GCE 2018 free answer wapday25

Waec Gce English ANSWER Oral OBJ:1DDABBAADDB11CCABCDABBA21BACCDABCAA31BDADABACCA41DCCBDAABDA51DACCBACDCC English OBJ:1.AABCDBAADC11.BDBCBCCBAC21.DCBDDDBACB31.DABDABCBAA41.CAABCCCCAD51.CCDCBCBDAB61.ADACCCBBCC71.BBDADDBCAAEnglish - SUMMARY7)The factors that frustratethe growth of Africanbusinesses arei)unstable governmentpolicyii)One man ventureiii)Lack of cooperationwithin the organisationiv)Lack of commitment bymembers of theorganisationv)Death of Business ownersvi)Lack of constant powersupply/ electricityEnglish - COMPREHENSION6a)students engage inexamination malpractice tosucceed in examination6b)examination are meant tofind out if students are ableto understand a reasonableamount of what they havebeen taught6c)i)provision of the syllabusii)teaching the students6d)Students see examiners as athreat to their success6e)give the students properorientation6f)i)adverbial clauseii)it modifies the verbthreatened6g)To condemned/ or to bringabout the downfall ofsomeone6h)Simile6i)-considered- founded- get hold- harsh- intentionally- self-destructionEnglish - LETTER WRITING5)I Wish I Had Told The Truth.........A stench like no otherwafted through my nose. Itwas hideous. I was gaging,coughing and spluttering,trying to breathe in fresh airbut to no avail. The putridsmell was over whelming.My pet cactus waswithering in front of my veryeyes. I used the last of myenergy to see were theodour was coming from. Iwas shocked. My feet werefrozen to the ground. Icouldn’t move. Amonstrosity, hairy, lumpy,disgusting, oaf of a mousestood in the corner of mybedroom. Stomp!!! Crash!!!Wallop!!! The mousecarelessly crushed toy aftertoy as it headed towards me. I closed my eyes ready fordeath……A wicked squeaky tonecame from the mouse, “Youmay pass your bedroomdoor but if you have evertold a lie, you must die.” Istood panic-stricken. I hadonce told a little white lie,would this mean I wasdoomed. The thoughtwhizzed around my petrifiedmind. I was speechless. Theagitated mouse raised hiseyebrow and growled, “Iwill ask you one simplequestion. Have you ever lied?” I opened my mouth toprotest but quickly thoughtthe better of it. I changedmy foolish thoughts. Ipromptly shouted NO! butthen regretted my impulsiveactions. The mouse baredits fangs. Its claws scrapedon the rusty door hinges. Icould clearly see what hewas thinking. How shouldhe die?!?!? I knew mylighting reactions haddoomed me!!! I felt pity andshame deep in my heart.The mouse began to scratchits chin. His thoughts weredeep in progress. I clenchedmy teeth determined not tolet the fuming mouse seemy fear. I looked deep intothe mouse’s eyes. Theywere sparkling with evilness. He knew a meal waswaiting.I just wish I had owned upto Dad about stealing thesugar. The temptation wascompletely irresistible as mysweet smelling fingersclawed in and out of the jar.If only I could rewind timeand tell the truth this time.The warm sensation ofsweet sugar crystalslingered around on my tastebuds but quickly vanishedas guilt overpowered myever sense.I had to confess the truthregardless of theconsequences that layahead. I silently crepttowards my open door,tiptoeing to the gapingspace. I was just at theEXIT to my foul smellingbedroom, when a gush ofwind slammed the door shut. Luck really wasn’t fallingmy way. Vicious fangs withover loading poison filled myblood stream. Clawsscraped vigorously. It wasagonising, my tender skinslowly being destroyed. Ihad never experienced suchexcruciating pain in all mylife. Blood splatteredeverywhere but only onethought whizzed throughmy head. I wished I hadbeen brave and told thecomplete and utter truth.Razor sharp blade like teethmunched away at my tenderflesh. Screams ran throughmy entire body. Its eyeswere savage for blood. Twolong incisors scraped theblood he was longing todrink. A tail whipped intomy fragile back. High pitchyells for mercy bounced ofmy bed room walls. It wasthe slowest agonising deathone could ever experience.My body was crumblingaway as I muttered my finalwords. I wish I had told thetruth…
