jamb2019 guard/ HOW TO REGISTER JAMB 2019

2019Real Live Questions and Answers On |WAEC|NECO|GCE|EXPO EXAM-, WWW.wapday25.blogspot.com,Expo, Free, Questions, Answers, 2019 JAMB SalesOf UTME/DE Form Begins – SeeRegistration & Exam Details2019 JAMB Sales Of UTME/DEForm Begins – See Registration& Exam DetailsGananewsAdd Commentjamb runz 2019Friday, January 11, 2019? The JAMB registration for 2019 UTME/DE has officially begun. Registrationbegins January 10th, 2019 and ends 21stFebruary, 2019. Exam begins March 16thand ends March 23rd, 2019. Allprospective candidates are advised to gothrough this body of information as itcontains all they need to know concerningthe JAMB 2019 Registration and exam.2.0 SALE/REGISTRATION PERIOD2.1 The period of sale/registration for allcandidates (UTME/DE) including thosefrom Foreign Countries is from 10thJanuary, 2019 to 21st February, 2019.3.0 GENERAL ENTRYREQUIREMENTS3.1 The general entry requirements foradmission into the First Degree, NationalDiploma (ND), National InnovationDiploma (NID) and Nigeria Certificate inEducation (NCE) programmes are five (5)O’Level Credit passes including EnglishLanguage. Details are available in theeBrochure which would be given to eachCandidate at the JAMB accredited CBTcentres and State-Offices. It is alsoavailable for download at www.jamb.gov.ng and on Android Mobile App(JAMBIBASS) from the Google Play store.DO NOT GIVE YOUR PASSWORD to anycentre (or Cyber Café). Any centre thatasks for more than your profile code,email address and registration number isa fraudster. Do not give any password.Myschool has provided you with a JAMBRegistration Template, which you candownload for free, fill it with your parents, and then go to the accredited CBTCentres with it. To access the freetemplate, please click here.3.2 Direct EntryCandidates with any of the followingqualifications may be considered foradmission by Direct Entry:(a) A minimum of O’Level credit pass infive (5) SSCE subjects at not more thantwo sittings with at least two prescribedsubjects [for each programme (course ofstudy)] at Principal or Advanced level.(b) Two passes (in prescribed subjects foreach course of study) at the Advanced-Level Examination of IJMB, Cambridge,JUPEB or Institute of Baccalaureate withSSCE/GCE, NTS/NBC credits equivalentsin three other subjects(c) Passes in two major subjects in theNCE with S.S.C.E., NTC/NBC credits orequivalents in THREE other subjects (mainly for Education Courses) and ND.(d) Minimum of lower credit grade inNational Diploma or National InnovationDiploma and the O’Level requirements• DE CANDIDATES WILL BE REQUIREDTO PROVIDE THEIR JAMBREGISTRATION NUMBERS WITH WHICHTHEY GAINED ADMISSION TO NCE/NID/DIPLOMA AND PREVIOUS DEGREEPROGRAMMES.• QUALIFICATIONS AWARDED BYEXAMINATION BODIES (IJMB,CAMBRIDGE, WAEC, JUPEB, etc)APPROVED BY NIGERIA SHALL NOTREQUIRE ANY PREVIOUS JAMB NUMBER.3.3 CANDIDATES NEED NOT TAKEUTME AND DE AT THE SAME TIME. IFTHEY APPLY THROUGH UTME ANDLATER OBTAIN DE QUALIFICATION,THEY CAN UPGRADE THEIR UTME TODE AT NO COSTCAVEAT: Registration can only be doneat the centres listed on our site (www.jamb.gov.ng) and pasted at JAMB officesin each State capital. Anybody whoregisters outside these centres does so athis/her risk.4.0 ORDER OF CHOICE OFINSTITUTIONS4.1 Every candidate is to note that the 1stchoice can be a College of E d u c a t i o n, U n i v e r s i t y, I n n o v a t i o n E n te r p r i s e I n s t i t u t i o n , Polytechnic/Monotechnic, Nigerian Defence Academyor the Police Academy5.0 STEPS FOR 2019 REGISTRATIONA. PROFILE REGISTRATIONi. One Cell (mobile) number (SIM) can beused by one candidate only. The Cellphone number used for the text messageis automatically tied to the Candidate’sname and will be used in allcommunications related to his/her 2019Application, Examination/Admission.NOTE THE SIM-NUMBER USED. IT IS OFUTMOST IMPORTANCE FORSUBSEQUENT COMMUNICATIONii. Candidate sends his/her name [Surname First-Name Middle- Name (if any)] by text (SMS) to 55019. This should bemaximum of 38 characters + 2 spacesbetween names = 40 characters in all to55019 e.g Tinubu Adamu Odumegwu.Surname and first name are mandatoryiii. A Profile Code of 10 characters isreceived by the candidate on the sametelephone(SIM) numberiv. Candidate presents the profile code tothe point of procurement of form (Banks,MMOs, MFBs, Switches, USSD Partners).The form- ePIN is then sent as textmessage to the candidatev. Candidate presents the ePIN at anyJAMB accredited CBT Centre forregistrationB. SELF HELP IN CASE OF MISTAKE/LOSS OF PROFILE CODEi. To correct a mistake in candidate’sname, send the [CORRECT Surname First-Name Middle-Name] to 55019 as a textmessage from the same mobile numberii. To retrieve a lost Profile Code, send [RESEND] to 55019 as text message fromthe same mobile numberiii. Candidate can reset lost or forgottenProfile Password on their registered cellphone by sending [password] space [email address] to 55019 as a textmessage from the same mobile numberC. (FREE COMPLAINT) TICKETINGFor ALLcomplaints on JAMB processes,candidates can create a support ticket at (support.jamb.gov.ng) with his/her emailaddress registered on the Board’s site.The candidate then provides his/her name, phone number and the nature of issue,select a complaint area on a drop downand then summarize the nature ofcomplaint. He/she may also attachsupporting documents (if available) thensend.NOTE THAT YOUR PASSWORD SHOULDNOT BE RELEASED TO ANYONE. JAMBCAN ONLY HELP ON PROFILE-PASSWORD, NOT E-MAIL-BOX-PASSWORD. YOU CAN ALSO CHECKYOUR ADMISSION STATUS ON JAMBIBASS APP ON YOUR PHONE. DO NOTCHECK AT ANY CYBER CAFÉ THATWOULD DEMAND YOUR PASSWORDWHICH IS THEN USED TO STEAL YOURRECORDS. “TO BE FOREWARNED IS TOBE FOREARMED”D. JAMB ePIN SELLING POINTSThe ePIN outlets are:I. NIPOST and eleven Participating Banks(ACCESS, FCMB, FIDELITY, FIRSTBANK,JAIZ, Polaris, Stanbic IBTC, STERLING,UNION and UNITY)ii. Mobile Money Operators: Paga, e-Transact, Pocket Moni, TEASYPay,Packway Projects (Readycash) and Xpresspayment solutionsiii. Participating Micro Finance Banks:Trust MFB, Zazzau MFB, Obeledun MFBand Regent MFBiv. Online Payment Platforms: SystemSpecs (Remita),InterSwitch (Quickteller)Upper-link, e-Transact and UniedPayment Services (UPS)v. Cooperative Society: JAMB Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societyvi. Others: Unique ICT, Digital PartnersNetworkvii. POS (Citi-Serve)viii. ATMs of banks listed in 5D (i) above (InterSwitch)ix. USSD (ERCAS) for mobile bankingx. Nigerian Embassies in Abidjan, Accra,Addis Ababa, Beau, Cotonou, Jeddah,Johannesburg, and LondonE. DUTIES OF PARTICIPATINGBANKS/OUTLETSi. Collect the Profile Code from candidate’s phoneii. Collect payment and vend ePIN by SMSto candidate’s phone (Not dictating orcopying)iii. Facilitate POS Payment, if necessaryE. Issue Evidence of PaymentF. Collect Centre Service Fees, ifrequested by the CBT CentreG. ePIN is to be delivered electronically tocandidates and not to be handwrittenF. S I X D I F F E R E N T M O D E S / M ET H O D S O F P A Y M E N T /PROCUREMENT OF ePIN FORREGISTRATION (CHOOSE SUITABLEONE)I. PAYMENT THROUGH BANKSINCLUDING MICRO FINANCE BANKS(a) Present Profile Code and pay by cashor card(b) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone numberii. PAYMENT THROUGH POSThis is available at State Ofces of JAMB+ CBT Centres, other POS outlets and anyCBT Centre that demands it(a) Present Profile Code and pay by card(b) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone numberiii. PAYMENT THROUGH MOBILEMONEY OPERATORSThis is available at CBT Centres and OtherOutlets(a) Present Profile Code and pay by cash(b) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone numberiv. PAYMENT USING ATMThis is available on all ATM outlets ofParticipating Banks listed in 5D (I) (Interswitch Channel)(a) Select Bill Payment and then pickJAMB(b) Enter Profile Code and pay(c) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone numberv. ONLINE PAYMENT ON JAMBPORTAL(a) Visit JAMB website: www.jamb.gov.ng(b) Click purchase of 2019 ApplicationDocument(c) Enter your Profle Code(d) Select payment method (Interswitch,Remita, e-Transact, Unifed Payment S o lu t i o n s ,Upper –link or Paga)(e) Make payment(f) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone numbervi. PAYMENTS USING USSD (ERCAS)(a) Dial *565*6*55019#(b) Enter Profile Code(c) Select bank and follow the prompts tocomplete payment(d) ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone numbervii. Procedure for the eight foreign centresonly is as follows:(a) Registration fee for candidates fromthe eight foreign countries is$20 or its equivalent in each of the eightcountries(b) Candidates from the eight foreigncountries are to download the Applicationfrom the Board’s website (www.jamb.gov.ng) complete and summit it with the feeat the eight designated centres asindicated on the website.G. HOW TO RECOVER LOST ePINAFTER PAYMENTI. If ePIN is not Received or Lost, send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] to 55019 for UTMEor DE respectively from the uniquenumberii. The ePIN would then be retrieved anddelivered on the candidate’s uniquenumberAFTER SUCCESSFUL PAYMENT ANDOBTAINING ePIN, CANDIDATE SHOULDPROCEED TO ANY OF THE JAMBACCREDITED CBT CENTRES TOCOMPLETE HIS/HER REGISTRATIONH. REGISTRATION CENTRESi. Only the accredited Computer BasedTest Centres and JAMB Offices will beallowed to register candidatesii. Each candidate should visit anyaccredited CBT centre (the list ofaccredited centres is on our website (www.jamb.gov.ng), with his/her personaldetails, the profile and evidence ofpaymentI. REGISTRATION PROCESS AT CBTCENTRES:The candidate PERSONALLY presents theePIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centrefor validation and completion ofregistration. The name of the candidate astyped by the candidate on his/her phonewhen registering the profile comes upautomatically on the input of the e-PIN bythe CBT centreCandidates are to:i. Pay NOT more than N700 as ServiceCharge to any of the accredited CBTCentres (Do not accept to leave yourparticulars for proxy registration. It willdisqualify you)ii. Provide Biodata including Date of Birth,Nationality, State of Origin, LocalGovernment, Gender, e-mail address,telephone number, among others ( It iswait and get service)iii. Provide choice of institutions andprogrammes (course of study)iv. Provide qualification with grades anddates, if not awaiting resultv. Upload relevant certificates, if notawaiting result (this is applicable for bothUTME and Direct Entry (DE) candidatesvi. O/L and or A/L grades are to beprovided by candidates. Candidates whoare awaiting results should supply (upload) the results online on CAPS (JAMB) assoon as they are available on JAMB’sportal. No recommendations from anyInstitution will be considered by JAMB ifthe candidate has not uploaded his/herresult on the portal of JAMBvii. Supply JAMB registration number forprevious institutional certificates for DEonlyviii. Provide UTME subjects and choice ofexamination town(s) for(a) Mock examination (optional)(b) Examination for UTME (actualexamination)ix. Do picture capture (no scanning ofpassport photograph)x. Do Biometric enrolment (ten fingers)xi. Review entries and confirm correctnessxii. Print Registration Slip USINGBIOMETRIC AUTHENTICATION toconfirm valid finger-print (UTME/DE).Note that authentication with your thumbremoves blames of error from the CBToperators. Check before you conrmwith your thumb.xiii. Collect, at no other cost, the readingtext and CDxiv. Each Candidate is to collect his/her e-slip at the end of registration as evidenceof registrationxv. There will be no offline registration,as all the accredited CBT centres havebeen empowered for real time onlineregistration. Nocandidate should register at any centreother than the accredited CBT centre andJAMB State-Offices. Any candidate who isregistered outside approved centres willbe identified and disqualifiedJ. BLIND CANDIDATESCandidates who are blind are to indicateby typing BLIND and also picking theoption of writing their examinationthrough CBT mode or Read ExaminationAloudK. DEAF/MUTE CANDIDATESA special indicator for the deaf/mute hasbeen created to differentiate them forspecial attention at the examination hall.Deaf candidates are therefore to conrmthis appropriately during registration.L. BIOMETRIC CHALLENGESI.
