free short story

Kai the supper hero

By wapday25
Once upon a time there live a boy who was borne in the city of pan, in a place called pan-polar in the east Africa. Whose name is victor. The family of victor are called kaima, but originally there name is kai which means good, but the people added ma which its been interpreted as family. The people of the province of pan polar called this family good family which means kaima in there tongue. Victor kaima was borne without a hands and legs but after surgical operation he receive artificial iron hands and legs. Twenty years latter he was transform from human to super human because some pasts of his bones was replace with iron. Victor kaima iron hands and legs don't go weak, he can run with a high speed and Carrie a heavy load, no one in the city of pan can beat him, his blow is not of hands but of iron so non can fight him. His father prof.chukwu kai who is professor of mathematics with to register his son at the school of pan. The principal gave them a serious warring that victor should not by any means beat or disturb the peace of the school, prof. Accepted. When they went home. Kime the mother of victor said my son be careful now you have been admitted in the school don't look for trouble and make sure that what you do is right before you do it. Very early in the morning a bus stop at profs. House, par! par! par! Kime open the widow and see a very long bus, written on the bus school of pan. Victor! Victor! Kime called, mum am ready. Good lock son said the father. Victor open the door and ran into the school bus with a high speed. No super powers here boy said the driver. The student stair at hem and said to each order kaima the super hero. Its was rainy that day the driver lost control and could not stop. Brake are not working oh! my god!! Said the driver. Haaaaaaaa! The student keep screaming. Victor was close to the widow he jump out off the car and the car speed increases in minute. Victor run after the car getting closer to the car he stand facing the car pushing the car back and the car pushing hem forward, victor add more force he push and push the car stop. Kaima! kaima! kaima! The student shouted. Two days latter the school of pan gave victor scholarship award, from that day the people of pan gave more respect to the family of kai. Bully in school went to stop 
