stop sex in dream

You eat well at night went to bed after few prayers,you sleep off. Now in your dream/realm you see your self making love/sex with somebody you know perhaps you know not. Now when you wake up you see semen on your body. Something is greatly rough. SEPARATION/ PRAYER/ LIVING FOR GOD. This are the three ways to be totally free from this spirits. The first thing you most do is fight your Appetite/food. Warning- what this book is about to teach you is a fight against the demons/spirit so if you are not ready the fight or war against this things then drop this book now because this book is about to teach you the secret things of this world. How to fight Appetite/food. Food is flash and when you take it too much, it become poison to you spirit man So therefore exposing you to demonic attacks. How to know if what I said here is true, this night don't eat pray ask god to forgive you all your sin be serious over it go to bed and sleep you will not see there finger on your body that is when you will know the harm food have done in your life for years. They have more power over you when you are loaded with food. In any spiritual fight you must put food aside if you must win. Sin will make god not to hear you when you pray and food will make your voice to be low talking to your father Jesus Christ. Execs food is sin and execs sin is died. Separate your self from sin/food then you are part way to victory. PRAYER pray continues at night 12am. If god your father head your prayer he will sent his angel to guard and fight for you. The day you fail to pray they will attack you with full force but god many give you victory. It will take some time to stop but it must stop totally. Now you have to start living for god by reading bible,praying,living a good life. If you see one particular face man or woman making love/sex with in the dream it means that you have a spirit/demon wife/husband this three ways will help you to be free. Do you eat,swam,run. Who cook that food you eat in the dream, demons/spirits. The person you see in your dream is call spirit man when you sleep something comes out of your body that thing is called spirit man. when you sleep your spirit man come out then if your spirit is not strong then other stronger spirit will sex it that is why we have sex in the dream but your spirit man can be strong if you do or live a spiritual life which is serving god Jesus christ. The faces of people this demon use to sex your spirit man I think you know what spirit man is by now. The faces are scam they are not the face they use. They can use the face of your Neighbours,brother,sister,mum,dad etc. Build your spirit man by following this steps. How do I know this things I have seen our lord christ then he feed me with this worlds that I give you now. Do it it works 100%. Matthew21v22. since you don't enjoy it then ask GOD to stop it. The grace of our lord christ be with you. Amen written by brother victor akachukwu A.I
